Friday, 18 February 2011

Assets creation

Today I'm working on more assets for my level design.

I created my table by creating a cylinder. I squashed the cylinder to be thin. I extruded the under faces and made them smaller until I can created the leg. From the leg, I extruded out the legs to make the legs to support the table. I selected the top faces on each leg and cut them twice until I made a smaller square. I then extruded up the leg until it reach the table to add support to the table. Once that was done, I created a UV map of my model and started to texture it in PhotoShop.

This is the texture map for my table. I used a wood texture to create the texture. Using the mental Ray batch bake, I added an occlusion to my map to add to the texture by creating shadows and lights. I had to change the layer from normal to multiply, this merged the white and black from the occlusion map with the texture from my table.

This is my finished table at the moment. I have to wait until I can add the bump map to add more depth of the table.

After completing my table, I decided to create a chair for my table. The table does have around four chairs, but by making one, I can duplicate in my level to create four or more tables.

My chair was created but a cube. I split the cube into 5 diversions in height, this allowed me to shape the chair's back to have a curve look. After that I added the seat. I extruded the end of the back. I selected the faces and cut them, so I had a few more diversions to add the curve for the seat. After that I created the arms. To create the arms I selected the side faces and cut them into a smaller square and extruded out. I then cut more faces on the side of the seat this time, to extrude out to side and then extruded up to join the arms to the base. I merged the vertexes to make the seat and arms one. After completing the seat, I started the legs, like the rest of the chair, I cut a few faces before extruding.

Like the table, I was using a wood texture for the chairs, to make them match. I also used an occlusion to create the shadows on the textures.

This is the final chair I created. Like the table I need to get a bump[ map on the chair to enhance the textures.

Friday, 11 February 2011

UDK Development start


I've been asked to create a game level using UDK. The game level will be based on New York rooftops and will be a mulitplayer map. The level must be on a rooftop and must be able to hold around 8 players. Because we are using UDK (Unreal Development Kit) the game will be able to run on the Unreal Tournament game and will be based on the game's death match rules.

Starting the project, I researched different rooftops and found a load of different roofs and created my level design. With the level design paper work complete, I had to create a list of assets, these include:

  • garden furniture

  • plant pots

  • plants

  • air condictioners

  • water towers

  • scaffholding and pipes.

Many of the assests are already installed on the UDK content browers, which I will use, such as the plants, scaffholding and pipes, as they are just randomly placed in the background or supporting models. Having created a network share folder on the college network, this allows my class to share all assets. We sat around the table and descussed the assets, that was last week. We created a list of assets we are making for ourselves and others. I volentreed to create the water tower and graffiti decals.

Last week I started the water tower. I created the water tower on Maya 11 and started will a cylinder. Cutting faces and extruding the faces to create little walkways around the tower. By extruding the top of the cylinder, I created the top by scaling the faces in wards, and did the bottum the same way. I created two ladders, one I created and the other was dupilcaded. The ladders was created but using a cube and exstruding and bending over the ends. I also created the pipe the same way as the ladders. After creating the model, I textured it, maybe to not the best way, but I need to create a bump map of the textures to make the model much better.

After creating the water tower, I started my second task, creating graffiti decals. I decieded to revisit creating decalos on UDK before creating any graffiti. After revisting decals, I looked online at some graffiti art and found the artist Banksy and started to rub out the wall of his work to create decals of his work to put into the game levels.