Today id the final day of UDK, and I started playing around with the physics. I had to select my static mesh in the Conent Browser, and added to the stage as a Rigid Body. This made the static meshes have physics. I added some barrels, pots and flowers that all have physics and can be fired around the level. I also changed my planks to be rigid body, so this makes the game harder, when the players remove the planks to the health pickup.
Today id the final day of UDK, and I started playing around with the physics. I had to select my static mesh in the Conent Browser, and added to the stage as a Rigid Body. This made the static meshes have physics. I added some barrels, pots and flowers that all have physics and can be fired around the level. I also changed my planks to be rigid body, so this makes the game harder, when the players remove the planks to the health pickup.

After playing around with the physics, Dave started to help me with my wind turbine, again. At first he started by combining all the parts of the wind turbine together, and created a skeleton. After using smooth bind and painting the weights, the animation didn't work as well as it should. So, Dave separated all the parts, and combined all the blades togather, the body and fin together and then binded them all together with the skeleton. After painting the weights, he tried it again and animated it. At first we tried a short animation, and exported it using axmin to export the animation. In the UDK Content Browser, we uploaded the wind turbine into UDK, and added the animation using the animest. When we tested the animation, Dave decided to make the animation better, and he made it longer and loop smoothly. With the new animation, we added it into the level.
I handed in my level today! So now, all I've got left is the paperwork.

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